What the private parking change to the “five-minute rule” means for motorists

Car park users who struggle to pay within the timeframe are now protected.

The private parking sector single Code of Practice has been updated to address concerns around what has been dubbed by the media as the “five-minute rule”.

The update follows the well-published case of a motorist who was fined multiple times in a pay-on-entry Derby car park because it took them longer than five minutes to make payment due to poor mobile phone reception.

Now, the newly formed Private Parking Scrutiny and Advice Panel (PPSAP), the impartial panel established to oversee the Code of Practice and fast-track updates, has introduced a safeguard which ensures that motorists who face genuine difficulties in paying within a short timeframe are treated fairly. The update applies only to private car parks where technology supports this change i.e. sites with ANPR camera monitoring.

Commenting on the rule change, the BPA said: “The private parking sector plays a vital role in managing parking spaces effectively, with current data showing that 99.77% of parking events occur without incident. The panel and the two parking Trade Associations remain dedicated to building trust and transparency through continuous improvements and higher standards.

“This update is a positive step for motorists, ensuring that parking rules keep pace with technological advancements and prevents nuisance and inconsiderate parking, whilst protecting compliant drivers.”

As a member of the BPA, Creative Car Park supports and has adopted this rule, while echoing the BPA’s reminder that it “remains essential for all drivers to read signage carefully and follow the rules of their chosen car park”.

The change came into effect on 17th February 2025. Click here to read the announcement on the BPA website.

For more information on the parking duration rules, specifically the grace and consideration periods, please refer to our previous blog post.

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