British Parking Association comments on Parking (Code of Practice) Bill

It was great to hear what the BPA British Parking Association said today about the Parking (Code of Practice) Bill

BPA delighted that new Bill will deliver fairer parking and better practice for all.

The second reading of the Parking (Code of Practice) Bill has been approved by the House of Commons. This follows our call for a single Code of Practice, a truly independent appeal service and a standard setting body which we believe will result in fairer and better parking practice for all.

Sir Greg Knight MP’s Bill calls for a single, mandatory Code of Practice will help ensure consistent and fair practices across all Accredited Trade Associations. It is vitally important that the Code of Practice as set out by this Bill delivers a positive outcome, so that consumers can trust that their experiences will be of a consistently high standard. We now want to ensure that any resulting Code:

  • Spells out reasonable expected behaviours for parking operators
  • Outlines how a truly independent appeals service should work
  • Sets the criteria for approved and accredited parking schemes
  • Provides clarity on the geographical extent of the Code
  • Demonstrates how the Code will be audited, managed and enforced
  • Provides detail on sanctions and consequences for non-compliance

The BPA’s existing Code already sets high standards for our members, and we believe that’s the right thing to do. Only by setting high standards in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders can we build trust among the public that they will always be treated fairly.

The stakeholders we work with include the RAC Foundation, Disabled Motoring UK, Citizens Advice and the Freight Transport Association. It’s important that Government, industry and consumer groups work together to set the new mandatory Code of Practice, as provided for in the Bill, so that it’s fair for all – and that it works. The Code of Practice must be enforceable and should not impose undue or unnecessary costs on business.

Andrew Pester, Chief Executive of the BPA commented: “We applaud Parliament’s vote to support Sir Greg’s Bill, which will make parking fairer for both consumers and operators. We are delighted that MPs from across the House have shown their support for the creation of consistent standards across the sector together with a truly independent appeal process. As the leading authority in the sector we will continue to push for a positive outcome for all.  

“Our membership already complies with a robust Code of Practice which has been continuously improved for over 10 years, through consultation. With two Codes of Practice in the sector and the potential for more, it’s essential that we avoid a race to the bottom when it comes to standards – Sir Greg’s Bill will help to achieve this.”

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