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Lost Revenue Calculator
How much money are you losing due to nuisance parking?
Your car park is a valuable asset, providing visitors with a convenient place to leave their vehicles. But do you know how much income you may lose when a potential customer cannot park due to unauthorised vehicles taking up spaces? You might be surprised.
Tell us a little bit about your business and we’ll calculate how much money you could be losing.
Your results
Based on what you've told us, we estimate that during peak hours*, nuisance parking is costing your business:
per dayGet in touch today and we can help you reclaim this lost revenue...
We’re confident that this is money you simply didn’t know you were missing out on.
If you’d like to unlock more insights around how much money your car park is losing, including how many new customers this would mean each week, as well as our Free e-book on How to Solve Nuisance Parking Problems, simply provide a few details below, and we’ll send all of this directly to your inbox!
*Based on Creative Car Park managed site data, 2022-2024. Max Stay Car Parks only and industry average peak hours per sector.
As it currently stands, the average proportion of legitimate parkers during peak hours is likely to be:
After introducing parking measures, the average proportion of legitimate parkers during peak hours could be:
Given the size of the car park (and assuming 1.2 customers per vehicle), the number of 'new' customers generated is:
Get in touch today and start making extra money from your car park
We partner with UK businesses to provide hassle-free solutions that manage and monetise their car parks. For you this means less hassle, reduced admin and more revenue.